
9月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

Comment on the course

It's really wanderful time for me to study English. Especially I learned that we must have a margin after the priod and comma. And I tend to forget easy grammer like match of tense. I would like to use English more. Now, there are many foreign country's people in Kumamoto, so I would like to tell them the direction of way. It was a short time, but it was very meaningful. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to seeing you again somewhere.

My error

I'm in the 1st year student of Kumamoto University. ↓ I'm in the 1st year at Kumamoto University. I have been playing the piano since I am 5years old. ↓ I have been playing the piano since I was 5years old. (時制の一致) Then you watch,as the ooze jiggles toward them. ↓ Then you watch, as the ooze jiggles toward them. (コンマ・ピリオドの後の余白) To help I escape! ↓ To help me escape! (help 人~: 人が~するのを助ける) gloup →group

Atama-ii Books ~group~

“Great Influences from Atama-ii Books” Akinori Ushijima Yukiho Hashimoto Naho Horiguchi Nao Seike What is Atama-ii Books? Atama-ii books is a series of beginner level easy-English graded readers for all ages 11 and up. There are 10 books in this series, and each book follows the same rules. The reader becomes the chief character of the story. As we read the story, we come across the choices that can change the ending of the story. Depending on our choice, we can reach completely different endings. Each book in this series has 3 branch points and 8 conclusions. Also these have original full-color illustrations to help understanding. We read “Journey to Mars”, ”Backstage Pass”, “THE OOZE” and ”THE NORTH FENCE" and talked about the features of this series. Summary of each story we read “Backstage Pass” When you encounter your most favorite musician, what do you do? Scream, cry, hug...or freeze? If you get a chance to see the musician, what do y

The exercises③

~day 3~ 3.2 1. As can be seen from Table Ⅱ, participation figure have been steadily falling since 1970.      2. Different authors have account for the President's actions in different ways.      3. Mendel attempted to devise a system for classify the many different type of pea plant that he grew.     4. It is often most effective to present your data in chart or table.     5. The data we have collected show(s) that there has been a downward trend with regard to job satisfaction over the last 50 years.     6.The aim of the research is to develop a new software application which will help aviation engineers design more sophisticated aircraft.     7. The archaeologists should be able to use carbon dating techniques to establish exactly how old the bones are.     8. Charles Darwin attempted to explain the existence of different species in terms of evolution.

The exercises②

The exercises day2 2.1 The professor decided to take moral courage as the theme for his inaugural lecture.       The London underground map is best understood as a model showing how the different stations relate to one another rather than a precise representation of their distances from each other. 2.4 The study revealed a regular pattern of changes in temperature.


Abstract Fishing communities in many places around the world are facing significant challenges due to new policies and environmental developments. While it is imperative to ensure sustainability of natural resources , many policies may overlook the contribution of fisheries to the sociocultural well-being of coastal communities .  世界中のたくさんの漁業地域は、新しい政策や環境のために重大な試練に直面している。   Authors address the problem of valuing the sociocultural benefits of fishing by exploring the role of fishing landscapes and traditional working waterfronts in maintaining sense of place in fishing communities .  著者たちは、漁村の場所の感覚を維持するための漁場と伝統的な作業用水面の役割を探求することによって漁業の社会文化的利益を評価する問題に取り組んでいる。 Through semi- structured and in-depth interviews with fishing communities members, resident photography and sites visits, this paper outlines how fishing contributes to sense of place in terms of place- attachment and cultural -social memory.  釣りコミュニティ・メンバー、レジデント写真撮影とサイト訪問による半構造化で徹底的なインタビュー

The exercises①

The exercises day1 1.1 He always underlines every new ward when he's reading.      The study underlines the fact that very little research exists.     She became interesting in nature conservation.     The first lecture in the series was on the nature of human communication.     She loves to pose for photographs in front of her fabulous house.     The events pose a threat to stability in the region.

THE OOZE~Book review~

🎼 THE OOZE "Let's start with vegetables," you say. You put small pieces of carrot in the bucket. Then you watch, as the ooze jiggles toward them. It slowly sucks up the pieces,then stop. It glow a warm,happy green."It likes vegetables,"Chuck says."Let's try ants!"you say excitedly.You get some ants from outside, and put them in the bucket.The ooze jiggles toward an ant. It sucks in into its body and starts to glow happily. It quickly eats the other ants."Wow,it really likes ants,"Chuck says. "Yes," you say. "Hey, dose it look bigger to you?" "No,"Chuck says."It just looks hungry!"  OOZE is the very strange thing. So the biology teacher was really interested in it. But his study was suspicious. And ooze looked sad. So I tried to help it. I got the bucket which in ooze out of lab,but there were security guards everywhere. So I went to jail for stealing the ooze.Soon my friend came to visit my j

Introduce myself

I'm Naho Horiguchi. I'm in the 1st year at kumamoto university. And I major in education of music. I belong to volleyball and dance club. I'm going to performance the dance in school festival this November. I like music,but I also like sport.I have been playing the piano  since I was 5years old. And I belonged to basketball club when I was elementary school student and tennis club when I was junior high school and high school. I'd like to work as a music teacher in poor countries. I want to made people in the country happy by music. I think music makes the world peace. So I have to learn music and English harder. Also I want to visit some other countries.